CAO Xi,WANG Wen-jian,LIU Qi-yue,ZHU Min-hao.Effects of Laser Dispersed Quenching on Wear and Damage Performances of Wheel/Rail Materials[J].China Surface Engineering,2016,29(5):72~79
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曹熙, 王文健, 刘启跃, 朱旻昊
西南交通大学 摩擦学研究所, 成都 610031
关键词:  激光离散淬火  轮轨材料  磨损  损伤  塑性变形
Effects of Laser Dispersed Quenching on Wear and Damage Performances of Wheel/Rail Materials
CAO Xi, WANG Wen-jian, LIU Qi-yue, ZHU Min-hao
Tribology Research Institute, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031
The wear and damage performances of wheel/rail materials with and without laser dispersed quenching (LDQ) were investigated by using a MJP-30A rolling contact fatigue testing apparatus. Results show that the uniform and dense martensite structure is obtained for the wheel/rail specimens after LDQ and the surface hardness of wheel and rail specimens significantly increases. The increase rate of the wheel and rail specimens is about 191.1% and 214.5%, respectively. The surface wear resistance of the wheel/rail materials is obviously improved by LDQ technology. The wear rate of the treated wheel and rail specimens decreases by 20.5% and 21.9%, respectively. The wear rate of the treated wheel or rail specimen is reduced significantly, however, the wear of the coupled one without LDQ slightly increases. Severe spalling damage occurs on the surface of untreated wheel/rail specimens. The surface damage of treated wheel/rail specimens is relatively slight and the dominant form of wear is small spalling. The spalling accompanying with fatigue wear is dominant in the substrate region between two LDQ regions. LDQ can effectively improve the microstructure of wheel/rail materials and the plastic deformation resistance. Meanwhile, LDQ region inhibits the plastic deformation of adjacent substrate region.
Key words:  laser dispersed quenching  wheel/rail materials  wear  damage  plastic deformation